Agent Orange by Jamie Mayne

Remember the exercise for fridays tutorials!

Hello everyone. Just to remind you again of the exercise I gave you at the end of last week.

shoot one photo on an ultra fast shutter speed

shoot one photo on a very slow shutter speed (5 seconds or more)

try to get the most interesting pair of images you can from this

what subject matter will you shoot?

how will you deal with the light?

will you use a tripod?

Change of Lecture Plan

Hello everyone,

I have had to unexpectedly leave for Auckland for the day today so in place of the first time lecture Matt Paterson is going to be giving an awesome lecture on how to make stop motion videos (part of the 'time' project that we would have introduced you to next week anyway. If you don't know how make stop motion or you want to get better at it then trust me, you don't want to miss this class!

Handin Guidelines

Hello all,

I have had a few emails from you asking for specific guidelines on what to hand in and how. I have now posted specific hand in guidelines that detail the pdf and the jpegs required. To get to the guidelines please click on the Course Materials link on the left hand side of the blog.

Accessability of PDFs

Hello all, a few people told me in yesterdays lecture that the the lecture and course project briefs were not working on this site. When I checked last night I discovered that it was not the PDFs that were not working so much as Internet Explorer. Please note! Internet Explorer IS THE MOST RUBBISH WEB BROWSER EVER! Anyone using IE will get no sympathy from me. Please access this website using Firefox or Google Chrome and you will have no problems.

Hello and Welcome

Hello everyone, welcome to the new digital photographics blogsite. The lectures, course outline, project brief and artist precedents are now up online.

Remember to get your blogs up and running for this week so that you can give the url to Matt and Linda to have linked to this site.